Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stealth Cool

I am claiming coinage of this expression before anyone else can.

I just used it in a facebook status. I wrote that to teach Abercrombie & Fitch a lesson about targeting an audience of young, skinny, rich buyers -- and thereby reinforcing a whole bunch of awful prejudices in our culture -- a bunch of us middle-aged women should go to A & F stores and look frumpy and hang out and hum "Peter, Paul, and Mary" songs. A friend commented and said, "And Mamas and Papas songs." But.

"The Mamas and the Papas" are stealth cool. That is, they are so cool that most people don't really know it. They fly, in their coolness, below the radar. I mean, really. Consider "Dream a Little Dream of Me," "I Call Your Name," "Creeque Alley."

With my penchant for lists, I might start a list of Stealth Cool things:

1. A beach shack on the WEST end of Long Island (as opposed to the Hamptons), aka, Oak Island
2. rotary phones
3. hand written, USPS delivered thank you notes
4. Hoboken
5. politeness
6. a body without any piercings

Now this is a post just BEGGING FOR COMMENTS. Add to the list....

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